News for North Kivu, Democratic Republic Congo
16 January 2017 - RPS Partnership
RPS Partnership brings this warning from the Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The security situation is rated as high and dangerous for foreigners working the area.
The Government is warning of possible militia attacks in North Kivu.
On 15 January 2017 North Kivu authorities warned that militia attacks were possible after hundreds of former rebels -- affiliated with the March 23 rebel movement (M23) -- reportedly entered the North Kivu province on 14-15 January (over the weekend).
The militants allegedly came from Uganda via the eastern border town of Ishasha, near Virunga National Park. Julien Paluku, the governor for North Kivu province has also confirmed the incursion of some 180 fighters, while the central government said the Congolese armed forces “dealt with them for now”, though it is unclear if there were clashes.
It is understood that Sultani Makenga, one of M23’s commanders, was among the rebel forces. M23 and other rebel groups operate in the border areas between the DRC, Uganda and Rwanda. It is not clear if state forces violently engaged rebel fighters and there are no indications as to exactly where the ethnically Tutsi dominated M23 group may have traveled in the country.
RPS Partnership says: If you look at the map attached here, you can see that the distance between where they crossed the border, at Ishasha, to the North Kivu main town of Goma is a few days on foot and less by vehicle, depending on the local weather conditions, which affect the roads.
The M23 rebel group was prominent in North Kivu region when they formed in 2012 prompting a large-scale conflict that culminated in outright war. Although conditions have since calmed in the region, the latest development threatens the viability of the late-2013 peace deal, which ended the M23 rebellion.
There are additional concerns of increased ethnic tensions should the DRC government attempt to blame the Rwandan government and other pro-Tutsi groups for the recent border incursion and any potential rebel-related violence in the coming days.
Elevated risks for violent attacks as well as escalating tensions are possible in the region. Please download the attached indepth document provided by our partner Other Solutions, which provides a good look forward for 2017.
RPS Partnership advises foreigners in the area to ensure they have water and food supplies in the their office and accommodation as well a robust communications plan and evacuation plan. Please contact us for further information and training should you be planning a project in the area.
Contact us on [email protected] for more information and advice on travel to this or any other region.
Photos: RPS Partnership Goma, DRC
Information provided by AIG and PGI International with thanks
Attachement: Provided by Other Solutions - an Outlook for DRC for 2017